- weather/climate - ţaçes
- temperature - xarâra
- humidity - rţûbe
- warm/heat - côb
- cold (environment) - bared/jlîd
- snow - talej
- hail - barad
- rain - citi/maţar
- shower - catwe {êt}
- heavy rain - wêbil
- off-season rain - râmûý
- downpour - maţar zkîm
- pouring rain - mizk/mêzûk
- fog - gţayţa
- wind - hawa/rîx {ryêx}
- air/atmosphere - jaww
- lightning - bareç
- thunderclap/thunderbolt - raýed {rýûd}
- sky - sama {wêt}
- cloud - gayme {gyûm}
- sun - cames {cmûs}
- rainbow - çôws çazax
- clear sky - ţaçes şâxi
- hot weather - ţaçes côb
- dry weather - ţaçes nêcif
- torrid/ardent weather - ţaçes ýbûç
- cold weather - ţaçes bêrid
- sunny weather - ţaçes micmis
- humid weather - ţaçes roţib
- stormy weather - jaww ýâşif
- variable weather - ţaçes mitaçallib/mçallab
- cold - mşaçça/bêrid/saçaý
- icy/frozen - mtallaj
- central heating/heater - côfâj/tidfêye
- air conditioning - çêy sî
- fireplace/chimney - dêkûn {dwêkîn}/cimînê
- degree (unit) - daraje {êt}
- storm - ýâşfe {ýawâsif}
- tornado - zawbaýa {zawêbiý}
- flood - ţawafên
- sunburn - lafxit cames/ḑarbit cames
- smoke - dakne/dukkân
- pollution - talawwos
- pollen - lçâx
- The Lebanese word for 'rain - citi', also means 'winter'.
How's the weather? - qîf iţ-ţaçes?
The weather is nice. - ţ-ţaçes xilo
The weather is not pretty. - ţ-ţaçes biciý
It's cold. - fî bared
The wind is cold. - l-hawâ bêrid
It's hot. - fî côb
It's raining. - ýam bitcatti
The rain stopped. - şoxyit id-dini/şoxi ţ-ţaçes
It's snowing. - ýam titloj
It's windy today. - fî hawa l-yôm
The sky is cloudy. - fî gyûm bis-sama
Looks like it's going to rain. - qaçànno rax tcatti
It's raining cats and dogs. - ţâyfe
It rained. - cattit id-dini