Here's a list of useful phone numbers in Lebanon:
- Beirut Int. Airport - (01) 628-000
- International Calls Operator - 100
- Telephone Repair - 113
- Police - 112
- Telephone Directory - 120
- Civil Defense - 125
- Red Cross Lebanon -140
- Electricity of Lebanon - 145
- Fire Department - 175
- General Security - 1717
Ambulance Services:
- Beirut - (01) 386675/6, (01) 863299
- Baabda - (01) 448043, (01) 448300, (01) 448400,(01) 921675, (01) 339985
- Jounieh - (09) 830799, (09) 830799
- Saida - (07) 722532
- Tripoli - (06) 602251, (06) 602510, (06) 610861
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