
I Love You, Lebanon - Fairuz

I Love You, Lebanon - Fairuz

Music & lyrics: Rahbani Brothers

bxibbaq yâ Lubnân yâ waţani bxibbaq
I love you, Lebanon. Oh my homeland, I love you.

bi-cmâlaq bi-jnûbaq bi-sahlaq bxibbaq
At your north,  at your south,  at your coast, I love you.

btisçal cû binni w-cû lli mâ binni
You ask what's wrong with me, and what has overcome me.

bxibbaq yâ Lubnân yâ waţani
I love you, Lebanon. Oh my homeland.


ýindaq baddi çibça w-ygîbu l-giyâb
I want to remain with you, while those who are absent are absent.

çitýazab w-çacçiya yâ maxla l-ýazâb
I suffer and I'm unfortunate, oh sweetener of torment.

w-çiza çinta btitriqni yâ çagla l-çaxbâb
And if you leave me, oh most precious beloved.

d-dini btirjaý qizbe w-tâj il-çard trâb
The world will return to a lie, and the earth's crown to soil.


bi-fuçraq bxibbaq w-bi-ýazzaq bxibbaq
In your poverty I love you. In your glory I love you.

çana çalbi ýa-çîdi lâ ynsâni çalbaq
My heart is in my hands. May your heart not forget me.

wis-sahra ýa-bâbaq çagla min sine
And staying up late at your door is more precious than a year.

w-bxibbaq yâ Lubnân yâ waţani
And I love you, Lebanon. Oh my homeland.


saçlûni cû şâyir bi-balad il-ýîd
They asked me what happened in the country of festivals.

mazrûýa ýad-dâyir nâr w-bawârîd
Planted in a zone of fire and gunpowder.

çiltelun baladna ýam-yiklaç jdîd
I told them our country is being reborn.

Lubnân il-qarâmi wic-caýb il-ýanîd
Lebanon the honorable, and of the perseverant people.


qîf mâ qint bxibbaq
However you are, I love you.

bi-jnûnaq bxibbbaq
In your madness, I love you.

w-çiza nixna çitfareçna byjmaýna xubbaq
And if we part, your love will reunite us.

w-xabbe min trâbaq bknûz id-dini
And a grain of your soil treasures the world.

w-bxibbaq yâ Lubnân yâ waţani
And I love you, Lebanon. Oh my homeland.

Note: The pronunciation of several words in this song changes in spoken Lebanese. E.g. Lebanon - Lubnân = Libnên, Your north - cmâlaq = cmêlaq, Your door - bâbaq = bêbaq.

Audio Sample: