The Lebanese National Anthem
By Rashid Nakhle and Wadih Sabra
qulluna lil-waţan lil-ýula lil-ýalam
All of us! For our Country, for our Glory and Flag!
milçu ýayn iz-zaman sayfuna wal-čalam
Our valor and our writings are the envy of the ages.
sahluna wal-jabal manbitun lir-rijâl
Our mountain and our valley, they bring forth stalwart men.
čawluna wal-ýamal fî sabîl il-qamâl
And to Perfection we devote our words and labor.
qulluna lil-waţan lil-ýula lil-ýalam
All of us! For our Country, for our Glory and Flag!
qulluna lil-waţan
All of us! For our Country.
caykuna wal-fata ýinda şawti l-waţan
Our Elders and our children, they await our Country's call.
çusdu gâbin mata sâwaratna l-fitan
And on the Day of Crisis they are as Lions of the Jungle.
carčuna čalbuhu çabadan Lubnân
The heart of our East is ever Lebanon.
şânahu rabbuhu li-mada l-çazmân
May God preserve him until the end of time.
qulluna lil-waţan lil-ýula lil-ýalam
All of us! For our Country, for our Glory and Flag!
qulluna lil-waţan
All of us! For our Country.
baxruhu barruhu durratu c-carčayn
The Gems of the East are his land and sea.
rifduhu birruhu mâliçu l-čuţbayn
Throughout the world his good deeds flow from pole to pole.
çismuhu ýizzuhu munžu qâna l-judûd
And his name is his glory since time began.
majduhu çarzuhu ramzuhu lil-kulûd
The cedars are his pride, his immortality's symbol.
qulluna lil-waţan lil-ýula lil-ýalam
All of us! For our Country, for our Glory and Flag!
qulluna lil-waţan
All of us! For our Country.
All of us! For our Country, for our Glory and Flag!
milçu ýayn iz-zaman sayfuna wal-čalam
Our valor and our writings are the envy of the ages.
sahluna wal-jabal manbitun lir-rijâl
Our mountain and our valley, they bring forth stalwart men.
čawluna wal-ýamal fî sabîl il-qamâl
And to Perfection we devote our words and labor.
qulluna lil-waţan lil-ýula lil-ýalam
All of us! For our Country, for our Glory and Flag!
qulluna lil-waţan
All of us! For our Country.
caykuna wal-fata ýinda şawti l-waţan
Our Elders and our children, they await our Country's call.
çusdu gâbin mata sâwaratna l-fitan
And on the Day of Crisis they are as Lions of the Jungle.
carčuna čalbuhu çabadan Lubnân
The heart of our East is ever Lebanon.
şânahu rabbuhu li-mada l-çazmân
May God preserve him until the end of time.
qulluna lil-waţan lil-ýula lil-ýalam
All of us! For our Country, for our Glory and Flag!
qulluna lil-waţan
All of us! For our Country.
baxruhu barruhu durratu c-carčayn
The Gems of the East are his land and sea.
rifduhu birruhu mâliçu l-čuţbayn
Throughout the world his good deeds flow from pole to pole.
çismuhu ýizzuhu munžu qâna l-judûd
And his name is his glory since time began.
majduhu çarzuhu ramzuhu lil-kulûd
The cedars are his pride, his immortality's symbol.
qulluna lil-waţan lil-ýula lil-ýalam
All of us! For our Country, for our Glory and Flag!
qulluna lil-waţan
All of us! For our Country.
Note: The Lebanese National Anthem is written in Literary Arabic, not colloquial Lebanese.