- I/me - çana
- You (masc.) - çinta
- You (fem.) - çinti
- He/him - huwwi
- She/her - hiyyi
- We/us - nixna
- You (pl.) - çinto
- They/them - hinni
Pronominal Suffixes:
- My - +i/+yi/+ni
- Your (masc.) - +aq/+q
- Your (fem.) - +iq/+qi
- His - +o/+h
- Her - +a/+ha
- Our - +na
- Your (pl.) - +qon
- Their - +on
Note: Pronominal Suffixes added to a noun indicate possession, added to a verb they're considered direct or indirect object of that verb.
Whose book is it?
- My book - qtêbi
- Your (masc.) book - qtêbaq
- Your (fem.) book - qtêbiq
- His book - qtêbo
- Her book - qtêba
- Our book - qtêbna
- Your (pl.) book - qtêbqon
- Their book - qtêbon
Verb - "to belong"
- to belong (masc.) - tabaý
- to belong (fem.) - tabaýit
- to belong (pl.) - tabýûl
Mine (masc.) - tabaýi
Mine (fem.) - tabaýîti
Mine (pl.) - tabaýûli
My book - li-qtêb tabaýi = qtêbi
Your (fem.) books - l-qutob tabaýûliq = qutbiq
Our car - s-siyyâra tabaýîtna = siyyâritna
Other Examples:
Give me the book - ýaţîni li-qtêb
Give it to me - ýaţîni çiyyêh
Show us the car - farjîna s-siyyâra
Show it to us - farjîna çiyyêha
Show them to us - farjîna çiyyêhon
Note: In Lebanese, 'car - siyyâra' is a feminine noun, 'book - qtêb' is a masculine noun.
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